eBook Writing Services

ebook writing services

Elevate your business’s reach and engage your audience in a profound way with Resultris’ eBook Writing Services. We unite compelling content creation with outstanding graphic design to deliver top-tier eBooks, providing the essential fuel for your lead generation engine.

Our eBook Writing Methodology

Your eBook creation journey commences with a meticulous focus on the editorial aspect by your dedicated content marketing strategist, project manager, and creative team.

At Resultris, we employ a refined process that encompasses ideation, outlining, and final copy development, all strategically aimed at enhancing the impact of your eBook’s text while simultaneously meeting distinct business goals. Your personal project manager collaborates with you throughout each stage to ensure swift delivery and precise alignment with your content strategy.

Our eBook writing services deliver a professionally crafted eBook that stands as a potent tool for lead generation across a myriad of sectors, including:

  • Business
  • Marketing & Advertising
  • Finance
  • Law
  • Manufacturing
  • Technology
  • Travel
  • Education
  • Health Care
  • Entertainment
  • And beyond.

Whether you’re a B2B or B2C brand, our eBooks serve as optimal middle-funnel content marketing tools that foster lead generation, thought leadership establishment, brand awareness expansion, and prospective customer engagement.

Expert eBook Writers at Your Service

Resultris’ content writing services encapsulate an end-to-end creative process, from topic brainstorming with your team to publishing and distributing your eBook across various channels, and everything in between.

Our skilled writers, with expansive experience in diverse forms of professional writing, are equipped to deliver content that perfectly aligns with your style, tone, and industry needs. By generating entirely original content, our writers weave a potent mix of creative writing, copywriting, and thought leadership into an eBook designed to drive conversions.

We leverage valuable resources such as hard data, primary sources, and interviews with your subject matter experts, further enriched by our content writers’ extensive journalistic backgrounds, to integrate both qualitative and quantitative research into the content creation process.

As an industry-leading content marketing firm, Resultris ensures brand consistency across all your marketing assets by assigning the same content writer for your eBook and other essential assets (white papers, press releases, landing pages, blogs, etc.). We make your experience seamless, freeing up your resources while effectively managing every content or strategy service you require.

Choose Resultris for your eBook writing services and experience the power of professionally crafted, conversion-oriented content that resonates with your audience.

eBook Topic Generation

Our skilled content marketing strategists and project managers work closely with Resultris’ in-house team of professional writers to brainstorm effective topics, or refine the ideas you’ve proposed. Each stakeholder contributes their unique expertise to the ideation phase, enriching the final output.

Our strategists conduct thorough research to identify topics that will strike a chord with your target demographic while staying mindful of eBook offerings produced by your industry competitors.

Project managers assure the topic is customized to fit your specific branding guidelines and collaborate with your industry-focused writer to sculpt a detailed eBook outline. Through diligent research and expert input, your writer will create an in-depth blueprint of your eBook, comprising potential titles and a page-by-page breakdown of the content.

The team will collectively evaluate how the scope and narrative of the eBook support your business objectives and integrate seamlessly with your current content marketing strategy.

All feedback and suggested modifications are incorporated into the outline before the team progresses to the subsequent stage. Once the outline is approved, your content team continues production and commences the writing phase.

Our eBook Crafting Approach

Your professional eBook writer will adeptly showcase your brand’s expertise while maintaining conciseness to leave room for striking illustrations that augment the reader’s experience. Merging these two critical eBook elements requires careful equilibrium and editorial prowess.

Your Resultris writer is chosen based on their industry expertise to ensure they bring the necessary knowledge to your project. However, your creative writer and the rest of your Resultris team stand ready to interview client-provided SMEs to confirm the eBook is packed with industry-leading insights and perfectly aligns with your brand’s voice and values.

Creating an eBook demands content optimization to suit the eBook format. Essentially, eBooks are graphic assets. The written content is crucial to their success, but it should serve a supplementary role that bolsters visual storytelling.

While white papers, blog posts, and long-form articles delve deeply into specific subjects, eBooks prioritize concise information delivery through captivating imagery and minimal copywriting. At Resultris, we aim for each eBook page to contain approximately 225 words. Our expert writers craft each sentence with the utmost impact in mind, focusing on hard data and insightful takeaways that delve straight into the core of a subject while adhering to content writing and storytelling best practices.

To bolster visual storytelling, our expert writers compose eBook content with imagery at the forefront. The writing is customized to accommodate graphics, often employing themes to spark design inspiration for illustrations and other graphic components.

The first draft of your eBook undergoes a rigorous editing and proofreading process before being presented for your approval. Any feedback you provide is incorporated to ensure the eBook aligns with your brand guidelines and overarching creative vision.

eBook Design and Structuring

Once the text for your eBook is composed and approved, the creation process progresses to the design and formatting stage, which is the final stride before the end product is revealed.

Our designers commence by collaborating with writers to ensure that the text can be effectively converted into compelling visuals, addressing any residual queries regarding the subject or content. Your dedicated graphic designer will then actualize the concepts brainstormed during the initial stages of the eBook. Using the approved outline and any client-provided branding guidelines, they will decide on everything from fonts and color schemes to distinct illustrations and themes.

Regardless of whether you have specific imagery in mind, our designers are equipped to materialize your ideas. If you’re uncertain of where to start, Resultris’ graphic designers can leverage existing collateral as a starting point to assure your new eBook aligns with your current branding. Note: your website serves as existing collateral, allowing designers to integrate existing icons, illustrations, and visual assets into the eBook, including specific HTML color codes.

After style, theme, and branding elements are considered, the layout process begins. This includes the body of the eBook, as well as cover pages and tables of contents. Features such as font styles, colors, illustrations, photos, and interactive design additions like navigation buttons are implemented.

Once the layout is finalized, a designed draft of the eBook is submitted for your approval. We incorporate any feedback to refine the asset and craft the final product. Subsequently, your content marketing strategist can provide expertise in conversion rate optimization and promotional strategy to maximize the potential of your completed eBook.

Developing Your eBook Digital Marketing Strategy

Upon delivery of your eBook’s final version, there’s still significant work to be done to ensure it contributes effectively to your marketing objectives.

The digital marketing strategy supporting an eBook, or any lead generation asset, necessitates a few fundamental components:

  • A conversion landing page.
  • A form or gate users must complete to access the asset.
  • A persuasive call to action (CTA).
  • An autoresponder email to follow up with those who’ve completed the form.
  • A distribution strategy.

Our team of experts at Resultris can assist with all these elements:

  • Content marketing strategists – devise distribution strategies grounded in data and tailored to your target audience.
  • Social strategists – distribute and promote your asset across suitable channels.
  • Content writers – produce SEO-centric web copy for dedicated conversion landing pages.
  • Graphic designers – create custom call-to-action buttons for gated eBooks to facilitate lead generation.
  • Consultants – provide assistance with email marketing, list-building, and automation to help your brand maintain communication with your readers.

This synchronized execution enhances the value of your eBook as a critical component of a broader inbound marketing strategy. By ensuring your eBook content isn’t produced in isolation, our eBook writing service includes comprehensive strategy, planning, project management, research, and optimization at each stage of the process. We help connect the dots between what your customers and prospects desire to read and how your brand can fulfill those needs through superior content.

Book your free consultation now.