Why Resultris? How We Work

Why Resultris? How We Work

A Proven Process for You to Get More Customers, More Revenue, and Less Headaches.

We didn’t just stumble upon the secrets of content marketing overnight. We’ve tested and refined these strategies in the real world, building a company using only inbound marketing and growing it into a multi-million dollar success—we sold it, but that’s another story!

Now, we’re applying that hands-on expertise to help your business grow. The proof is in our past; the potential is in your future. Let’s do it together.

Top 10 Reasons to Hire Resultris to Create Your Content.

  1. Zero Distractions – You’re swamped with responsibilities. Offload content creation to us and stay laser-focused on scaling your business. We’ll handle the words; you handle the growth.
  2. Diverse Expertise – We’re not just writers. We’re specialists who understand the intricacies of every business facet, be it marketing, sales, customer service, or internal communications. Our content isn’t generic—it’s tailored to your unique operational needs.
  3. Cost and Time Efficiency – Think of us as your on-demand content team. No hiring hassles, no overheads, just timely and top-notch content. And often, at a fraction of the cost of in-house teams.
  4. Scalability and Flexibility – Whether it’s a one-time project or a long-term partnership, we adapt to your needs. Our scalable solutions mean we’re ready to handle your content needs as your business evolves.
  5. Quality Guaranteed – Our track record speaks volumes. We ensure each piece of content resonates with your brand voice, engages your audience, and drives results. No fluff, just impactful content.
  6. Data-Driven Decisions – We don’t just go by gut feeling. Our content strategies are backed by data, ensuring your content looks good and performs effectively in reaching your target audience.
  7. One-Stop Solution – From ideation to publication, we’ve got it all covered—no juggling between multiple agencies or freelancers. We provide a comprehensive solution, minimizing coordination hassles and ensuring consistency.
  8. Adaptable to Market Changes – The business landscape is ever-evolving. We ensure your content stays relevant, adjusting to market trends, seasonal shifts, and industry changes. You won’t be left with outdated content.
  9. Feedback and Iteration – We value your input. Our process incorporates feedback loops, allowing for refinements and ensuring the final content aligns perfectly with your business goals.
  10. Protection and Confidentiality – We understand that every business has proprietary information. Our team is committed to maintaining strict confidentiality ensuring your business insights, strategies, and data remain secure.

Your Trusty Sidekick in the Content Marketing Universe.

Alright, let’s set the stage.

Resultris is not your run-of-the-mill content marketing agency. Nope, we’re the all-stars of inbound marketing and content creation, catering to all kinds of businesses. Whether you’re a fledgling startup just starting to navigate the marketing waters or a big-league player needing a pro to handle the complex stuff, we’ve got you covered.

We’ve ditched the rigid contracts for a snazzy subscription model. Yep, you heard that right – we’re all about month-to-month flexibility. We’re in it for the long haul, conjuring fresh content and marketing magic every month tailored just for you.

What’s Your Flavor?

For the marketing newbies. We’ve got a secret sauce cooked up over years of stirring the marketing pot (see Methodology below). We’ll guide you through a proven methodology to give you a solid foothold online.

Got a clearly defined project? Great, we love those. Our crack team of marketing maestros is on standby, ready to hit your projects out of the park. We’ll stick with it, tweaking and polishing until we’ve hit that sweet spot of perfection.

Subscription Sensation.

We’re breaking the mold with our month-to-month subscription model. This nifty approach means you can switch up your marketing tactics as your business evolves. We’re churning out new marketing materials that hit the bullseye on your monthly ever-changing goals.

While we give each project our undivided attention, your subscription ticket entitles you to a bonanza of requests. That’s right, you’ve got an all-access pass to our dedicated team whenever you need us. Think of it like a never-ending buffet of marketing genius – you can heap your plate with as many requests as you want.

But here’s the deal: we’re all about quality over quantity. That means we zero in on one project at a time, pouring all our expertise and energy into making it a masterpiece. We move on to the next big thing when it’s wrapped up and tied with a bow.

So, it’s like a production line of marketing brilliance, each project getting the VIP treatment it deserves, one after the other. Trust us, it’s worth the wait.

At Resultris, we’re not just service providers. We’re your trusty sidekicks, here to help you conquer the content marketing universe. So, let’s strap in and reach for the stars together.

Plans and Pricing.

Essentials Plan – $2,000/month

Our Essential plan is the perfect starting point for small businesses or startups looking to establish their digital presence. Get a mix of content every month, customized to your needs.

Examples of content deliverables include:

  • Blog posts
  • Social media posts
  • Email newsletters
  • Ebooks and landing pages
  • SEO and content audits
  • Case study write-ups
  • Reporting and analytics

Growth Plan – $5,000/month

Take your digital marketing to the next level with our Growth plan. Ideal for businesses that are ready to ramp up their content marketing efforts.

This plan includes everything in the Essentials Plan, plus:

  • Increased frequency of content deliverables
  • Advanced SEO and keyword research
  • Drip campaigns
  • CRM optimization
  • Detailed FAQ section on your website

Enterprise Plan – $20,000/month

Our Enterprise plan is designed for businesses looking for a full-fledged digital marketing solution.

Get everything in the Growth plan, plus:

  • Maximum frequency of content deliverables
  • Strategy calls
  • Further content optimization
  • Existing content optimization

Note: The exact deliverables will vary based on your specific needs and can be adjusted month-to-month. We prioritize one project at a time, deliver fast, and always strive for your satisfaction.

Getting Started with Resultris. Before We Work.

Here’s how it goes – you reach out, we chat for 30 minutes tops. We’ll get the lay of the land for your business, suggest a subscription plan that fits, and make sure we’re a good match. No fuss, no drawn-out meetings. Simple.

  1. Initial Contact: Whether you’ve found us through our website or come to us via a referral, your journey with Resultris starts here. You reach out, and we’re ready to listen.

  2. Scheduled Conversation: We set up a concise, 30-minute conversation. This isn’t a drawn-out meeting but a focused discussion where we seek to understand your business and unique needs.

  3. Mutual Exploration: During this conversation, we’re assessing if we’re a good fit for your needs, and you’re learning how Resultris can support your business.

  4. Open Dialogue: We’ll ask questions to understand your business needs clearly. We encourage you to share your challenges and ask any questions you have about our process and services.

  5. Tailored Plan: Based on our discussion, we suggest a monthly subscription plan tailored to address your business requirements effectively. This customized approach ensures you get the maximum value from our partnership.

Methodology. How Resultris Works for You.

Here’s the lowdown on how we work. From the moment you sign up to the ongoing process of refining your strategy, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s look at how we help your business grow step by step.

  1. Sign Up: You choose one of our month-to-month, no-nonsense, fixed-price plans.

  2. Audit Time: We dive into your current marketing and content and pinpoint where we can boost it up.

  3. Keyword Dive: No time wasted – we’re straight into keyword research. We’re crafting blog posts to snag SEO traffic and answer what your customers are searching for.

  4. Content Machine: Using the keyword intel, we build pillar pages and content clusters on your site. They link together, forming a powerful, traffic-driving network.

  5. Generating Leads: We’re getting smart with your content, morphing blog posts into eBooks or free downloads. Value to your readers and leads for you. Plus, a sneaky promotional section about your business.

  6. Landing Page Magic: We whip up a slick landing page with a download form for every eBook. Each form comes with a golden question, “What’s your biggest _____ challenge?”, to help us understand your leads better.

  7. Email Power: We create an automated drip email campaign. It’s a neat mix of your blog content with promotional material sent out over a timeframe that matches your business. The goal? Turning leads into customers.

  8. Newsletter Touch: We transform blog content into a monthly or bi-monthly newsletter. Helpful content, tips, and promotions keep your audience engaged with your brand.

  9. Social Prompts: Every email and every communication encourages leads to follow you on social media. Let’s get your brand noticed.

  10. Reviews & Referrals: When a lead becomes a customer, we celebrate. We give them materials encouraging reviews and referrals – boosting your reputation and customer base.

  11. Tracking & Analytics: We monitor everything using tools like Google Analytics, email analytics, and spreadsheets: leads, customers, the whole shebang.

  12. Review & Refine: After three months, we put everything under the microscope. What worked, what didn’t – we take it all in. Then, we refine and plan the next 3-month cycle. You’re always getting our best.

That’s our subscription process. But we know sometimes you need a little extra.

One-Off Projects.

Do you have something urgent? (Most companies do.) Put us on it. We’ll pause our process, smash out your project, and return to our regular programming. With Resultris, you’ve got the backup when you need it. No sweat.

Get started now

Content marketing subscriptions to scale your business.

Get premium content, faster than ever before.