Content Marketing Case Studies

Content marketing services have propelled businesses across various industries to new heights. Let’s explore a few content marketing case studies of successful content strategy implementations with Resultris.

Content Marketing Case Study #1: Boosting Visibility for an Educational Company with Strategic Content Creation

education company SEO and content marketing case study

education company email marketing case study

The Client

An educational technology company in its early stages, pre-product launch. Their offering is a unique mobile application designed to help children develop critical life skills.

The Challenge

Upon approaching Resultris, the company’s website was virtually blank. They had no blog content, and their digital presence was nearly non-existent. They needed to establish themselves in the educational space online, targeting a highly specific audience of parents and educators who would find value in their app. However, they are in a sector where Google’s ‘Your Money or Your Life’ (YMYL) sandboxing policy meant it could take some time before their content would start ranking in search results.

Our Solution

Over 12 months, Resultris crafted approximately 600 blog posts that resonated with the client’s targeted audience. Working closely with the client’s SEO and content marketing teams, we began by focusing on low-competition keyword phrases, gradually increasing the difficulty of the keywords targeted to improve ranking potential over time.

The Result

Around five months into our content creation strategy, Google’s sandboxing period ended, and our client started to see the fruits of our labor. Over the next several months, the company experienced rapid growth, reflected in their Google search metrics:

  1. 6.27 million total search impressions – Our SEO-optimized blog posts propelled the company’s visibility on Google, reaching a whopping 6.27 million search impressions over the year.
  2. 79,000+ search clicks – Of these impressions, more than 79,000 resulted in clicks, driving significant traffic to the client’s site.
  3. 9000+ email newsletter signups – Visitors were not just browsing but actively engaging with the company. Over 8000 visitors were intrigued enough to sign up for the company’s email newsletter, indicating a keen interest in their offering.
  4. 1700+ app downloads – Most importantly, the strategic content creation and SEO practices implemented by Resultris translated to over 1700 app downloads, and the numbers continue to grow.

This content marketing case study represents a resounding success story of how the power of strategic content creation can build a digital presence from scratch and drive tangible business results. Through Resultris, the educational company successfully transitioned from an unknown entity in the ed-tech space to a recognized provider of a valuable life-skills app for children.

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Content Marketing Case Study #2: Driving Pre-Launch Visibility for a Sports E-commerce Website

content marketing case study sports e-commerce company

The Client

A company establishing an e-commerce store dedicated to selling products related to the fastest-growing sport in the USA.

The Challenge

This client approached Resultris seven months before their online store’s launch. The objective was clear – they needed to gain search engine traffic through a robust blog content strategy, laying the groundwork for a successful e-commerce launch.

Our Solution

Resultris worked hand in hand with the company’s founder and CEO to devise a targeted content plan. Over 3.5 months, we produced 100 blog posts tailored to target low-competition keywords in their industry. This strategic approach ensured their website would gain traction in the highly competitive sports e-commerce market.

The Result

The impact of our comprehensive content strategy was evident in the client’s subsequent performance metrics:

  1. 40,000 Impressions – Our content resonated with sports enthusiasts, generating 40,000 search impressions.
  2. 580 Total Clicks – These impressions translated to 580 total clicks, implying that our content intrigued users enough to explore the client’s website more.
  3. An Email List of 100+ Potential Customers – Perhaps the most significant result of our efforts was an email list of over 100 potential customers. This audience was highly targeted and ready to be engaged upon the launch of the client’s e-commerce store.

Resultris successfully established a solid digital presence for the client in just a few months, providing a solid foundation for their e-commerce launch. The client gained visibility and built a ready-to-go customer base, setting the stage for a promising start in e-commerce. This content marketing case study underscores how a strategic, well-timed content creation plan can yield powerful pre-launch benefits for e-commerce businesses.

Save Time, Spend Less. Elevate Your Business with Resultris. Start Today!

Content Marketing Case Study #3: Amplifying a Local Pet Store Digital Presence with Niche Content

content marketing case studies - pet store retail company

The Client

A local pet store specializing in a specific exotic pet saw a surge in popularity post-COVID lockdowns. The company aimed to sell ebooks, informational products, and an online course teaching all aspects of owning and caring for this pet.

The Challenge

The pet store was starting from zero regarding online content and visibility in search engines. They needed a robust content creation strategy to establish their digital presence and attract their niche target audience. This is also considered in a sector where Google’s ‘Your Money or Your Life’ (YMYL) sandboxing policy meant it could take some time before their content would start ranking in search results (they offer some veterinarian approved content).

Our Solution

Over six months, Resultris crafted approximately 3000 pieces of tailored content. This included engaging blog posts, a comprehensive industry-specific glossary, and additional content to supplement their courses and learning materials. The strategy is designed to cater to potential pet owners seeking information online simultaneously and to provide enriched content for their existing educational resources.

The Result

Our client began to see traction approximately three months into our content strategy, with growth increasing by over 50% in the past month. Choosing to publish all the content simultaneously, the client is now well-positioned for a significant boost in traffic as search engines continue to crawl their site.

Furthermore, the content provided by Resultris has proven instrumental for their marketing efforts beyond just website traffic:

  1. 32,300 Impressions – Our content resonated with pet enthusiasts, generating 30,000 search impressions.
  2. #1 Position in Google for their Main Keyword Phrase – Within 3 months we gained the top position in Google for their hyper-local focused customer base, bringing them 60+ phone calls a month (approximately 2 per day).
  3. Monthly Newsletter Content – The client now leverages our content for their monthly newsletter sent to over 500 subscribers, a list compiled from local farmer’s markets, trade shows, and events.
  4. Elimination of Content Creation Overhead – Our comprehensive content solution has eliminated the need for the client to hire in-house or freelance content writers, saving both time and resources.

In this content marketing case study, Resultris demonstrates how a targeted content strategy can elevate a brand-new website’s visibility, enhance other marketing channels, and reduce content creation overhead. As a result, our client is well-positioned to capitalize on the burgeoning popularity of their specialty pet and related products.

Save Time, Spend Less. Elevate Your Business with Resultris. Start Today!

Content Marketing Case Study #4: Enhancing Online Visibility for a Local Artisan

Content marketing case study local artist company

The Client

A local artisan with over 25 years of experience creating functional art pieces and offering group and individual training and classes. Despite their extensive experience, they never established a website or online presence.

The Challenge

The client recognized the need to expand their reach online to boost visibility for their offline store and classes. They turned to Resultris to devise a content strategy to amplify their online presence and attract new and repeat customers.

Our Solution

Resultris worked closely with the client over three months to understand their unique artistic offerings and customer base. Based on this understanding, we generated 135 blog posts tailored to the interests and needs of potential customers.

The Result

The response to our content strategy was immediate and highly positive:

  1. 106,000 Search Impressions – The crafted blog posts generated a significant 106,000 search impressions, showcasing the client’s offerings to a broad online audience.

  2. 1450 Clicks – These impressions translated into 1450 clicks, driving substantial traffic to the client’s newly established website.

  3. Steady Monthly Increase – The client observed a consistent monthly increase in site traffic, indicating sustained interest and growing awareness of their art pieces and classes.

In addition to boosting the client’s online presence, the content provided by Resultris served as a valuable tool in the client’s marketing initiatives:

  1. Gaining New Readership and Customers – The quality, relevant content attracted new readers, who then converted into customers, thus expanding the client’s customer base.

  2. Enriching Newsletter Content – The client utilized the blog posts in their monthly email and print newsletter sent out to their existing customers. This move provided value to their readers and encouraged repeat purchases and additional class enrollments.

This content marketing case study underscores how a well-crafted content strategy can effectively transition a business with no online presence to one with a significant digital footprint. Through Resultris, the local artisan extended their reach to new customers and fostered stronger relationships with their existing ones, leading to increased business growth.

Content Marketing Case Study #5: Propelling a Local Tech Services Blog Startup into the Search Spotlight

Propelling a Tech Blog Startup into the Search Spotlight - content marketing case studies

The Client

The founder, a technology veteran with deep expertise in assisting clients with setting up and navigating technology devices and appliances in their homes. Drawing from his vast experience, he started a tech blog with the aim of offering guidance to individuals looking to understand and harness technology in their day-to-day lives.

The Challenge

Despite possessing invaluable insights into the world of technology, the founder struggled to reach and attract a significant online audience. He needed a well-devised content strategy that would not only drive targeted traffic to his website but also position his blog as a trusted resource in the tech domain.

Our Solution

Partnering with the client, Resultris formulated and set into motion an intensive content plan, producing 110 tailored blog posts over a span of four months. This strategy was built upon targeting low-competition, high-impact keywords with a high likelihood of capturing top spots on search engine results pages. Furthermore, we integrated email marketing, designing a monthly newsletter strategy to engage and nurture a rapidly growing subscriber base.

The Result

The effects of our meticulously planned content strategy were transformative. In 4 short months, Resultris generated:

  • Over 100,000 Search Impressions – Our SEO-optimized blog posts successfully garnered a whopping 100,000 search impressions, making the client’s insights accessible to a wider audience.
  • 2000+ Visitors – The impressive search impressions translated into over 2000 visitors. This influx of traffic brought with it increased brand visibility and engagement.
  • Hundreds of New Leads – High-quality, targeted content meant visitors were highly interested, resulting in a surge of fresh leads for the client.
  • Top Google Rankings – Many of the blog posts secured positions within Google’s top 10 results, with several being highlighted as Google Featured Snippets – the coveted “position zero.”
  • Newsletter Success – The introduction of a monthly newsletter strategy quickly saw the client amass hundreds of subscribers, providing a consistent channel for audience engagement and conversion.

The founder exclaimed about our efforts,

It would take me years to accomplish what Resultris did in around 4 months, saving me time, and almost immediately generating new leads, customers, and revenue.

This content marketing case study exemplifies the transformative power of a strategically crafted content approach. Resultris not only built a formidable online presence for the tech blog startup but also equipped them with tools (like the monthly newsletter) to sustain and grow this newfound audience engagement. The result? Enhanced brand credibility, a surge in leads, and a clear pathway to consistent business growth.

Save Time, Spend Less. Elevate Your Business with Resultris. Start Today!

Resultris content marketing solutions have proven successful for businesses of all sizes and industries, offering tailored, high-quality content at scale. With Resultris, businesses can meet their unique content needs, drive engagement, and boost their bottom line.

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